How Minimalism Improves Mentality & Life

Alan Watts one said, “Status, to a very large extent in our economy consists of conspicuous consumption,” that humans have been convinced to desire excessive material goods when they do not know what it is they truly want. Then problem becomes a popularized absence of self-awareness, in turn could impede on relationships, quality of life, and to know our deep purpose as each unique individual.

The more that one desires, the greater perception that there is something missing, and the farther one walks from self.

Minimalism involves the physical release or purge of material possessions, which allows the mind to unwind of unnecessary distraction. This is a great practice when living in a media-infused, materialistic society.

It is not that owning possessions is bad, but that every material that you own serves it’s use in cultivating your life.

Minimalism improves mentality because it enables heightened focus towards your present space in time. It does this through minimal possession in your vicinity to create an “out of sight, out of mind,” affect. This can look like taking away the television, downsizing utensils stored in the kitchen drawer, removing all excessive things kept on the kitchen counter/table, or getting rid of items you bought as a different person, in a different part of your life, that will not be useful in the future to come. With this practice, the physical body is connecting to the mind’s need to focus and be present. Beginning the deep exploration of the human spirit and all that life has to offer. It sounds cliché, “the deep exploration of all that life has to offer,” but it is common that we rarely touch the surface of ultimate presence, due to these distractions!

There lies a deep self-respect that comes forth through minimalism, because the body is our vessel, and the mind is our most sacred and powerful tool. There is nothing worth more than the ability to act, think, decide, life and conquer. That is all that we are. When you show your mind that it is worthy of eliminating excessive weight of thought or clutter, that is a wise act of self-love. By removing possession to increase focus, you heighten your ability to act, think, decide, live and conquer.

Possessions within the home and laid upon body, would reflect the conscious, meticulous choice. A necklace worn is a reminder of our manifesting reality, a bouquet of picked wild lilies that sit upon the kitchen table signify a passing escape into nature. The possibilities of classifying your possessions in empowering ways are endless, and it is all of your choosing.

I hope I have shed some light on the benefits of Minimalism in this modern time and inspire you to see that your surroundings and possession can impose great influence in positive and negative ways.

Thank you for taking your time on this platform, allowing us the space to hear our story and thoughts.

We aspire to cultivate peace on earth, which takes every one of us to learn, grow and heal.

I plan to write more content like this in the future, so stay tuned for that.



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